25 Week Club


Dear Friends,

It is with great joy that I would like to use this letter to introduce Fr. Randall Meissen, L.C., our new University Chaplain and Catholic Campus Minister. Fr. Randall, a Missouri native, has worked in secondary and higher education in the U.S., Canada, Spain, and Italy, and he comes to us most recently from Saint Leo University. He holds a B.A. in biology from Rice University, degrees in philosophy and theology from the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum, and master’s degrees in Latin from the University of Florida and in history from the University of Southern California.

I also would like you to remember Fr. Mike Neeland in your prayers as he begins his new ministry at Sacred Heart University in Bridgeport, CT. Fr. Mike has adjusted well and is very happy there. Since he very much wanted to return to the Northeast and work in a Catholic university rather than a secular institution, it is a good fit for him.

Be assured the Salvatorian values of inclusiveness and hospitality will continue to be a significant part of CCM at Florida Tech! Fr. Randall is residing with me in our Salvatorian Community residence, and Fr. Dave Bergner is graciously joining the CCM board.

PLEASE help Fr. Randall to settle in by relieving him of the burden of worry about the financial aspects of the ministry. I know this was always a great burden for me, as it was for Fr. Mike. Your support is a crucial investment in the future of the Church by helping to ignite the love of Christ in the hearts of our college students!

The 25-Week Club is our only annual fundraiser, and with each $25 entry (and please consider multiple entries), you have the chance to win $25 at our weekly drawings—you need not be present to win! As a member of the Club you’ll be contributing to the mission of making our Savior known to the students and community of Florida Tech! As we face another challenging year, I will once again put my faith in Jesus and know He will guide our hearts and minds with each passing day.

Yours in Christ,

Fr. Douglas Bailey, SDS

Florida Tech Chaplain Emeritus